The Cosm - a Four-Dimensional Continuum

The creation of cosm - a classical problem of understanding the meaning of dimensions

By Dr. Wulf von Bonin

Credits go to Dr Jochen Kalbe who significantly edited this text and to

Dr Andreas S. v. Bonin, LL.M., for the translation.

Table of Contents

Abstract: *

The Picture of Current Cosmology and Questions to it *

Today’s Standard Model *

Problems with the Standard Model *

Problems with the "Higgs Field" *

The question of the "beginning" *

Questions to the Standard Model *

What is scientifically "correct" ? *

The Thinking Model of a New Meaning of Dimensions *

The nature of the term of "dimension" *

The Quality of Dimensions. *

The Dimensional Quality of Space *

The Dimensional Quality of Time *

The Dimensional Quality of Energy *

The Dimensional Quality of Dynamics *

The Evolutionary Quality of the Term of Dimensions *

The Cosmic Continuum of Dimensions *

Consequences of the Dimensional Viewpoint *

Details on the Extended Term of Dimensions *

Additional Consequences of the Extended Term of Dimensions *

Futher Implications of the New Model *

Background Radiation *

Creation of Galactic Nuclei *

Gravitation *

Blurred Relation *

Speed of Light *

Additional Consequences of the New Model of Thinking *

Before the Starting Point of Our Cosm: The "Nothing" * "Characteristics" of the Nothing Without Dimensions *

The Path to the Big Bang *

Details in the "Process of Creation" *

Our Cosm’s further destiny *

The Hierarchiy of Cosmic Events in the Beginning * Stage 1: The universal, highly symmetrical, dimensional continuum *

Stage 2: The energetic-dynamic-space-time continuum *

Stage 3: Stages of evolution of the four-dimensional continuum *

Stage 4: The final state of our cosmic continuum *

Literature *

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Today’s leading theory on the creation of the universe is the so-called "theory of the Big Bang".

This theory assumes that at the point of origin of our universe, all its energy was concentrated in a "zero point" which is said to be highly symmetrical but nonetheless dimensional in space and time. But: The combination of a maximum of energy with a minimum of space and time contradicts our usual ideas of symmetry !

That is why this paper seeks to question the plausibility of this "theory of the Big Bang".

It postulates that in reality our classical understanding of "energy" includes two different meanings one of which is "energy" and the other "dynamism". These two qualities - energy and dynamism - have the characteristics of dimensions like space and time.

That means that our cosm represents a continuum of four qualities of dimensions. Any event and any substantive content in the universe are consequences of ongoing interdependences of these four quant-like dimensions.

From this point of view, the main axioms of physics have to be reinterpreted. Many quant-theoretical and relativistic phenomena become plausibly explicable.

The cosm develops from a highly symmetrical universal basic state which is first without dimension and consequently without energy as well. From this virtual state of "nothing", it develops in the way of a four-dimensional continuum.

In cosm, space, time, energy, and dynamics grow continuously and interdependently. Thus creation is irreversible, representing an open universe. All its content is linked by the evolution of its processes of four-dimensional interactivity.

The far future of our cosm will not be decided by the development of the balance of materia as to whether it will indefinitely expand or collaps. Instead, the development of the balance of materia is decisive for the question whether in the long run our four-dimensional continuum will be dominated by particels without mass or by materia.

The Picture of Current Cosmology and Questions to it

Today’s Standard Model

According to a world picture that is characterized by the physical point of view, our cosm is built by energy. This energy is located in fields, radiation, in immaterial particels, material particels and additional energetic phaenomena.

Before the "Big Bang", the cosm rests as a fluctuating, point-like, energetic collection in a state of an "animated vacuum". Only at its extremely high temperatures the unification of all parts of cosm can be assumed to be possible.

In physics‘ current "standard model" this beginning contained the entire energy of our cosm in a form of highest symmetry. Afterwards it has started to expand in an inflationary way. As the temperature falls, the beginning state develops into the so-called "Higgs field". Further cooling leads to the development of the different species of particels with their respective masses and characteristics.

Quarks seem to be the "ultimate" building units of material, they have masses and seem to have structure as well. Further suggestions, e.g. the "Eich-theories" see quasi linear or twisted Strings and membranes as the ultimate unities of a multi-dimensional cosm.

Quants‘ mechanics and mathematics have rather accurately been able to describe and theoretically understand the so-called elementary "zoo of particels" with its interdependences.

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Problems with the Standard Model

The perception - mathematically disclosed and up to now physically accepted - that the beginning of our cosm is reduced to a spot of maximal energy, stands for the theory that towards the beginning of the standard model space and time tend to zero.

The perception that according to the standard model the entire energy of the cosm is concentrated in this starting point, is based on the classical axiom of the preservation of energy !

Its theoretical consequences finally lead to the contradiction that a spacial and timely minimum should contain a maximum of energy. With this contradictory symmetric situation the complete symmetric of a final unification, that is scientifically assumed, could not possibly reached !

Apparently, these physics suffer from a mistake in interpretation ! This mistake is conveyed in the perception that the "starting point" of cosm already contained all its cosmic energy; building on the same mistake, it is alleged that only this energy in the way of "diluting = cooling" performed as the driving power of the Big Bang and of cosmic differenciation and expansion.

Although a point -shaped state of maximal energy theoretically possesses meta-stable gravity (which in itself makes it rather improbable), it cannot be changed by quants‘ processes if it is - like here - without dimension, because these quants‘ processes are themselves dimensionally formulated. The mathematical state that the theory assumed up to this date, would exist more convincingly as a minimum of energy. This minimum would far more comply with the otherwise assumed minimum of space and time!

The seeming logic of today’s physics that have been mathematicized and experimentally tested, seems to contradict with itself in these two fundamental questions. This status has to be called unsatisfactory.

The theory apparently finds its limits when it comes to the cosmic beginning. As it is very improbable that these limits arise because nature‘s laws lose their validity at this point, it is more likely that today’s formulation lacks a term that does not only allow space and time but also energy to tend to zero at the "starting point".

Problems with the "Higgs Field"

Theoretical physics seem to observe the "Higgs field" as the source of anything scientifically depictable, i.e. the source of a dimensionally depictable cosm:

1. The "Higgs field" probably exists.

2. It probably gives differentiability to events for the first time.

3. Probably it mediates the dynamic development of particels and masses.

However, it is not plausibly explicable why the "Higgs field" all at once has to be extremely rich in energy, or why it dynamically expands thus creating space and time.

The hypothesis of the "animated vacuum", its negative pressure and the "anti-gravity" do not seem - although mathematically possible - "realistically" plausible, because they require a cell of maximal concentration of energy. Also the postulation that there allegedly dimensional events should occur within a spot that is quasi without dimension, raises doubts as to the existence of these - according to the theory - highly dimensional events.

On the other hand the "Higgs field" hypothesis permits the quant-theoretical calculation of different, consecutive, experimentally accessible reactions of the physics of particels. For the masses of "Higgsbosones", the theory suggests e.g. a figure of 640 GeV. This hypothetical perception of a field with the role attributed to it, consequently shows a calculable reality.

If the "Higgs field" is rich in energy, enables expansion, materializes itself in particels of heavy masses, and is able to mediate masses for other particels, is has to be already "dimensional". It already possesses the characteristics of cosmic dimensions. It has to develop historically from a universal and non-dimensional basic status and this status has to differ significantly from the "Higgs field".

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The question of the "beginning"

Whatever could be the "nothing", starts "before". That means, the "Nothing" should be located "before" the energetic implications of the "Higgs Field", i.e. "before" the expansion into space", "before" the beginning of time, and "before" the development of distinct masses, i.e. "before" dimensionality. On the other hand, one should be able to describe it plausibly using mathematical and physical logics.

Primarily, the first trigger mechanism is in question that incites the "process of creation" from the status of the highly symmetrical universal "Nothing".

Basically that is the question to the nature of the "Nothing" ans its possibilities to initiate a fraction of symmetry in the direction of "Something" ! At this point, one has to ask first, how a scientific understanding of the "Nothing" could look like.

Assuming that quants‘ theories were one of the "right" paths of understanding for our experimentally measurable cosm, the inquiry of the "Nothing", i.e. the inquiry if the above mentioned universal, highly symmetrical basic status shows any quant-mechanical characteristics, must lead the way to a solution.

Questions to the Standard Model

- Is it plausible that the former "Nothing" all of a sudden developes into an energetic maximum ?

- Can it be plaubily explained that - different from space and time - all energy of today’s cosm was concentrated in a point-like maximum ?

- What is it that forces the postulated, highly symmetrical, universal basic state of maximal energy to perform the initial fraction of symmetry, from which later on our cosm develops ?

- If this energetic maximum has already developed once, why does it then - in the way of dilution - have to expand into a time and a space that would first have to be created in this process ?

- Is it not true that mass is only created by a dynamic linkage of energy with space and time according to the axiom m=e c-2, meaning not before space and time sufficiently exist ?

What is scientifically "correct" ?

The mathematical, logical structure of classical physics and particularly quants‘ mechanics largely allow empirically verifiable statements on physical processes.

Is this structure therefore "right" ? Or - what of it is "right" and what is not ?

Is it - eventually - only one of several possible paths of understanding, one that is historically established in the sciences as a logical and consistent path of understanding ? Do other - equally logical and consistent - paths exist that equally allow the understanding of empirically verifiable events ?

For example, there is equally a discussion in the framework of mathematical formalism of the established physical theory as to whether the entire microcosmic events of quants‘ theory could be explained clearer and with less contradiction from an electro-dynamical viewpoint. Thus, it is suggested to explain materia as a form of solid electro-magnetic waves (see Schrödinger; Bohm; Sallhofer).

Is the question already answered whether there might be several paths of scientific understanding of our world that are logically consistent and that are even - at least in parts - compatible with one another ?

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The Thinking Model of a New Meaning of Dimensions

Our own model of thinking that is presented here, is centered around the physical term of dimension that is used in cosmology. It proposes a new way of looking at the meaning of energy!

It starts from the observation that today’s meaning of energy is a binary one: It is a combination of two independent components namely the characteristics of energy and dynamics. Both parts have to be perceived to be dimensional like terms of space and time that are already established to be dimensional. The cosmic events that we experience are equally subject to a "space-effect" and a "time-effect" as to an "energy-effect", i.e. a simultaneous interaction between dynamics, space, time and energy.

This view leads to the conclusion that at the point of minimal dimensions of space and time we also find a minimum of energy and dynamics, thus a total "minimum of cosm".

The nature of the term of "dimension"

It is only in the way of the measuring, experiencing impression of dimensional quality, i.e. by the dimensionality of all contents of cosm, that we recognize the world in which we live.

The terms of space and time are unquestioned in our understanding. Nevertheless we have always had discussions as to the nature of dimensions, what they do mean, and how they should be defined. An analytic inquiry shows that they are basically elementary characteristics of quality in the cosm: The quality of spatiality and the quality of temporality. From a quants‘ theoretic viewpoint, they are scalable ("quantable") figures. This already puts space and time in one category with energy where this kind of quantification was first proved.

The Quality of Dimensions.

The Dimensional Quality of Space

The three partial dimensions, the coordinates, serve as a tool for defining locations, e.g. of a spot in space. Together, they are related to a defined starting position. In an empty space, they do not enable any localization of one single spot. However, this spot is located in this space according to the presumtion. The space is thus, independent of possible localizations with the help of coordinates, in itself an elementary characteristic of "spatiality", which is e.g. able to include a spot.

The Dimensional Quality of Time

Time can be measured, e.g. in seconds. To be understandable as a chronological length, a second has to be defined by a meter, an event that stretches chronogically from A to B. In a temporal vacuum no figure for the beginning of an event would be available. That means that time - like space - is an elementary characteristic of temporality independent from any coordinates, in which events can start or end.

The Dimensional Quality of Energy

Energy can be measured by different unities as well, e.g. in GeV or in joule. For their definition they need, like time, as a meter an energetic process in which some flow of energy is observed, so that a status A - before, and a status B - after, can be measured as an energetic difference - like a spatial difference. But if in an energetic vacuum one single quant of energy was created, this could not be measured as some piece of energy. Althoug it exists, it cannot interact with a measuring device. That means that energy has to be seen as a dimensionable and elementary quality of energetics, independent from its energetic coordinates that are definable by measurability or reaction.

The Dimensional Quality of Dynamics

Above we have realized that for us dimensions like space and time as well as energy do mean elementary qualities for us, that have their own existence independently of their measurability.

We can only realize these dimensions through their effect, e.g. their appearance in a measuring tool showing that an event changes from a position A to a position B spatially, temporarily or energetically. All dimensions are regularly factors in any measuring process.

Logically that means that there must be another elementary quality, a dimension of changeability - dynamics. Its value is the result of the interdependences with the respective other dimensions of space, time and energy. That means according to what was said before, that the elementary quality of the dimension of dynamics only becomes recognizable by the interchange with the other dimensions of an event that it changes from A to B.

This is also shown by the examples given above that only enable measuring, i.e. realizing, where any effect of dynamics can be found. Be it the movement of a spot from a starting point in space, be it the continuing of an event in time, be it the change of energetic content. Briefly, the change of any state of an event is a manifestation of dynamics in terms of space, time and energy.

Like the other three dimensions, dynamics can only be measured when realizable as an effect, i.e. as change. As an isolated quality it would not be detectable even if potentially given like the other dimensions.

This observation of measurability is valid for all of the four quant-like dimensions: They do not isolatedly occur in our cosm but only in the form of phaenomena of interdependence. Thereby the terms of elementary quality of the dimensions get very close to the possibly likewise elementary unities of particle physics, the quarks !

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The Evolutionary Quality of the Term of Dimensions

In this context, only the interpretation of the term of dynamics is really new: The content of cosm that we call "substantial furnishing" (infra) has - unconscious to the common evolutionary way of thinking - always been understood as a kind of symbiosis of energy and its effect in analogy to the dimensional space-time. Thereby it was "forgotten" that there is - naturally - also a space-effect (and time-effect) in the form of their changeability. Therefore, the "effect", i.e. dynamics as a distinct dimension, has to be theoretically seperated from energy as another quality of dimension. It does not only interact with the dimension of energy, but equally - and in a measurable way - with the dimensions of space and time. Our picture of the world is therefore equally shaped by energetics, chronology, spatiality and dynamics.

It is only due to the history of human capacity of imagination that natural events were said to have certain immanent characteristics. The non-directional, continuing change of time as well as the preservation of energy, or the only "recently" discovered continuous expansion of space in cosm are examples for this view. The reason for that is, that the pragmatic-evolutionary way of early human thought did not need the most complete, but the pragmatically most rational analysis of dimensional events to experience the connection of cause and effect.

The perception was not needed that causally experienced processes - like the change of location of the stone that is falling on one’s foot or a change of temperature of that stone - do not have two distinct but only one common cause: The stone’s dynamic destiny in the interaction of the elements of a four-dimensional continuum: In the first case we experience this interaction in the form of spatial and dynamic change, in the second in the form of thermic and chronologic change.

Every measuring of a fact situation means to fix its four dimensional coordinates, e.g. at the time "t": now; in the location "abc": here; with the energy "E" (e.g. GeV); and through the change "d" in relation to a certain standard, mostly its former dimensional position or a special measuring device.

The Cosmic Continuum of Dimensions

Since Einstein we seem to have understood space and time as connected terms, as so-called dimensions.

The dimension of space that we usually describe as a result of three part-dimensions, is in truth only one quality of dimension. That is why we treat it as only one dimensional quality in the following text. The compared characterization of the single dimensions has already been discussed in the course of the presentation of the new model of thinking.

For our cognitive way of thinking, the dimensional terms of space and time are characterized by the fact that we cannot perceive them seperately, but only interacting and "furnished" with existing "substantive contents".

By "substantive contents" we understand the energetic-magnetic events in cosm, no matter of which kind they be. They always occur on the basis of interaction between energy and dynamics, time and space, e.g. in the form of materia, radiation, polarity etc.

It is evident that these "sunstantive contents" cannot be experienced isolatedly but only through their dimensional expansion into space and time. Vice versa, space and time are only contituted for us by their "substantive contents". Accordingly, our imagination of energy is equally the imagination of a dimension as well as our imagination of dynamics (supra).

The dimensions of space and time are seen in modern physics as a connected dimensional continuum, the so-called "space-time". According to the theory of relativity, there is an interaction between space and time. Known to us is also an interaction between the "space-time" and its constitutive other dimensions of the "substantive funishing": materia or energy. The effect of this interaction is e.g. the bending of the "space-time" in the form of gravity.

Using the model of thinking that is proposed here, we find ourselves in a more than space-time generated, but four-dimensional, cosmic continuum. The interacting dimensions are of equal importance: energy, space, time, and dynamics.

All four dimensions never occur isolated in our cosm. In cosm, they only exist as interactive complexes. The preceding observation has shown that the entire dimensional, i.e. measurable, cosmic process is always a result of these four dimensions interacting.

Thus, energy becomes understandable in analogy to time and space. The same reasoning is true for the principle of changeability, dynamics. It is as dimensional as the other three dimensions. Continuing interaction of the four dimensions creates the dimensional continuum of our cosm.

Cosmic events happen in a four-dimensional continuum ! They are represented measurably in the products of interaction between the dimensions of this continuum, namely dynamics. ebergy, space and time. Because materia is also such a product, the term continuum has to be understood funtionally here and not as a meaning of phases.

Our cosm is a four-dimensional continuum ! All events in it do not only occur in a space-time continuum, but in a continuum of space, time, energy, and dynamics. It is built by the quant-like dimensions of spatiality, chronology, energetics, and changeability: space, time, energy, and dynamics.

We postulate that the interactions of these four dimensions in this continuum are the cause for all "contents" in our cosm, be it materia, the so-called forces or effects of forces, all fields, and all kinds of radiation.

The understanding of materia as an electro-dynamic phaenomenon according to the equation of Schrödinger is similar to this observation: It does not attribute any character to materia that would be fundamentally different from phaenomena without mass.

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Consequences of the Dimensional Viewpoint

The "effects of powers" are interactive processes of dimensions. The former only become realizable through the latter. They become realizable through the "energetic-substantive furnishing", the dynamic interaction of energy with space and time ! Only thereby the energetic-substantive events become measurable.

Power is e.g. described as the product of mass and acceleration. If the effect of power is understood as an interactive process of dynamics with energy, space and time, this effect of power now describes the change of the dimensional situation that has taken place but not an energetic cause of the interaction that has happened.

Powers are not causes of events, but the events are consequences of fourdimensional interactive processes that have formerly been understood as effects of powers.

With this different view on the term of energy, the term of power loses its causal character and becomes an instrumental characterization for the cosmic interactive process. By that, the conventional term of energy that was used in the so far well-proved axiom of the preservation of energy becomes obsolete, too. The same is true for its conventional formulation and interpretation.

Energy and dynamics are dimensions like space and time. They positively interact with each other, building a four-dimensional continuum. That is why we find a linkage of all events in the developing continuum of cosm that is conditioned by evolution. That means that the unity of our cosm is its constitutive characteristic from the very beginning.

The new dimensional understanding of the terms of energy and dynamics cannot formulate an axiom of preservation for the single dimensional quantities. That means that it is no longer necessary to understand the entire content of cosmic energy to be concentrated in a starting spot of a minimal size.

Thus, energy, time, and space become abstractly and dimensionally understandable. The same is true for the principle of changeability, i.e. dynamics. It now proves to be as abstract and dimensional as the other three dimensions space, time, and energy. The continuous interaction of these four dimensions creates the dimensional continuum of cosm.

Dynamic interaction has already been postulated since Einstein’s days for space, time and energy (e.g. materia) in a similar way. Dynamics has to be understood as a fourth, independent dimension which consitutes the cosm besides energy, space, and time.

All four dimensional components have a positive directed interaction as we will show later. Their interactive products therefore expand continuously. That is why neither energy and dynamics nor space and time can obey to any "classical" axioms of preservation !

The positively polarized, dimensional interaction causes an exponential production of all the dimensionsal products of interaction in the developing four-dimensional continuum of cosm. If one of these dimensions had been negatively polarized, our cosm would not have developed.

Energy and dynamics are independent dimensions that equally interact with the dimensions of space and time. Therefore the usual basis of interpretation - the idea of the connection between cause and effect, the idea of entropy, and the first and second main axioms of thermo-dynamics - are no longer valid in their traditional shape.

The central axiom of the preservation of energy that is key to the "classical viewpoint" postulates for example that interactive processes have to take place in a form that preserves existing energy. According to our new model of thinking, this axiom is only a trivial expression of the impossibility that energy, as space and time, can diminish. In a cosmic continuum that developes in the way of a constant dimensional interaction of energy, space, dynamics and time, it is equally trivial that entropy grows one-directional as, e.g., time.

Therefore the usual basis of interpretation - the idea of the connection between cause and effect, the idea of entropy, and the first and second main axioms of thermo-dynamics - are no longer valid in their traditional shape. The classical physical exioms of preservation can thus be re-interpreted and reformulated.

Energetic potentials are therefore not the driving power of a process of change that takes place under a growth of entropy, but this process is the fundamental consequence of a four-dimensional interactive event.

Energy as well as the long hidden dynamics are - like space and time - to be understood as equal, independent and interacting dimensions. All four dimensions constitute a four-dimensional functional continuum like and with Einstein’s space-time. By their continuing interactive processes they create the events taking place in our cosm.

If the cosm is located in a theoretical staring point, i.e. in the highly symmetrical "point of zero", this is not only the case as to the dimensions of space and time but plausibly also as to the equal dimensions of energy and dynamics.

The perception of a concentration of the entire cosmic energy in a starting point, as the classical axiom of the perception of energy postulates, can be overcome, because in the new model of thinking classical axioms of preservation do not keep their "classical-causal" basis.

So the question to the standard model is irrelevant at its basis: In the cosmic starting point there is no explosive maximum of energy but a dimensional minimum!

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Details on the Extended Term of Dimensions

According to the research of dimensional quants‘ mechanics, the individual elementary dimensions - that are treated as qualities of our cosm by this research - have a "quanted" and not a continuous character. This also results from a view on the step from the "nothing" to the "something" from a phaenomenological viewpoint: You cannot substract anything more from the smallest elementary quality than its difference from the "nothing". This quality and its complexes can thereby be distinguished from the universal basic state that is not "quanted".

Probably its substance as individual elementary dimensions can only be described as the expression of a wave function in a virtual dimensional space according to the theoretical reasoning of modern physics. But measurable quantities of space, time and energy do not originate but from secondary interactive processes of the virtually four-dimensional complex of interchange. Single dimensions do thus not have the character of known powers, fields, waves, charges, corpuscels, or any other secondary , i.e. dimensional phaenomena of interactivity known to us.

Single dimension apparently lack the characteristics of the powers, fiels, waves, polarities, corpuscels, or any other secondary phaenomena of interactivity known to us. Single dimensions apparently have the ability to exist only as complexes of interactivity within our cosm. They only appear in the form of the complexes of interactivity what gives them a certain similarity to the quarks of particel physics. From these complexes of interactivity they express themselves as various dimensional products of interactivity.

Obviously, they only appear in the form of interactive products, showing similarities with the quarks of particle physics. These would then be the effects of powers, fiels, waves, polarities, corpuscels, or any other secondary phaenomena of interactivity known to us.

Apart from that, the elementary, i.e. isolated dimensions must have certain qualities of symmetry that are however not bound to dimension and to which a "positive or negative polarity" belongs as well. That would possibly comparable to the ideas of symmetry developed for the understanding of dimensional quarks.

It cannot be excluded that there are more strange dimensions and their complexes of interactivity, but they are irrelevant for our cosm.

Additional Consequences of the Extended Term of Dimensions

Using the new idea of the four-dimensional interchange, we can also re- interpret the experiment of the double-split of photones that is always found spectacular from a quants-mechanical viewpoint and the many-worlds-theory.

The copuscel-wave-duality loses its horror when we look at each result as a necessarily different process of interchange with the respective trial situation in the four-dimensional continuum instead of a similar phaenomenon that only occurs when using an "almost identical dimensional starting position".

This also leads to the conclusion that even if the "stock of things" in our cosm exists independently from any observer, the observer’s "picture", i.e. his realizability, necessarily includes him and his measuring tool as an element of the dimensional continuum.

It would not be correct, though, to formulate that the observer changes thinks only by his existence. Moreover, he only experiences the respective dimensional interactions of the events that include him as an element of the four-dimensional continuum.

Looked at it this way, the photon of the double-split-experiment is only the "projection" of an overlaying dimensional process on the observer’s respective situation in the four-dimensional continuum.

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Futher Implications of the New Model

Background Radiation

The interactions of this quadruple complex have an exponentially continuing character. Nevertheless, the portion of space-time in the early continuum might not be high enough to enable the formation of more voluminous energetic-dynamical substrates. Consequently, the energetic-dynamic interacting will first manifest itself preferably as radiation. In the form of "background radiation" it thus suggests the picture of a thermic big bang.

Creation of Galactic Nuclei

In this early stage of interactions that are still insufficient to create "sufficient" dimensionality, it is only later on that the first energetic-material products of interactions can develop. This could be the stage in which the seeds of material inhomegenities and other "discontinuities" were laid. Later on, the cosm develops rather homogenously. This is probably the way in which the nuclei of galaxies were built.

This would indicate a connection between the background radiation and the formation of galaxies.


The materia, that is "meanwhile" accumulated in the developing four-dimensional continuum also leads to the phaenomenon of gravitation. The "energetic-substantive events of interaction" are - in the form of materia - connected to space and time in the developing four-dimensional continuum by this interchange. That means that all phenomena therein are interacting conditions for each other. This is, like Einstein’s bending of "space-time" by materia, an inherent quality of the four-dimensional continuum which is "furnished" with substantive reality. This "furnishing" can consist of any form of product of dimensional interaction, be it materia, radiation or fields. All these are through the characteristics of the four-dimensional continuum linked with each other. Their gravity is equally a consequence of the interaction of dynamics with space, time, and energy and thus a characteristic of our cosm and not of materia itself.

The phenomenon of "laziness" probably belongs to the powerlike qualities of the "dynamic-energetic, space-temporary entity" that is an effect of dimensional interaction of our four-dimensional continuum.

Blurred Relation

The phaenomenon called "blurred relation" is equally a consequence of four-dimensionality. Every relevant measuring process in our cosm on the quants‘ level can only measure four-dimensional, quant-like phaenomena. The simultaneous perception of location and speed of such a phaenomenon would require its absolute immobility at the time of the measuring process. But this is not possibile in the dynamic, four-dimensional continuum of our cosm, if the relevant phaenomenon is dimensional. The same is always true, when we attempt to characterize a phaenomenon at the quants‘ level in a way that one dimension (or the interaction with a measuring target) should be excluded. This is impossible in principle !

Besides the question of the "blurred quants" there is a recent discussion about some incertitude of the quant-mechanic process caused by gravity. In fact, if the "blurred quants" reaction is not more than a consequence of the interactive process, i.e. a characteristic of our four-dimensional continuum, it has the same reason as gravitation: Both occurences of inexactnesses are closely linked to each other. They are the result of our common physical perception.

These and similar basic impossibilities present themselves as an "inexactness" at the quants‘ level of our "classical" physical understanding. This inexactness must have the size of at least one dimensional interactive process. This would equivalate one dimensional interaction "left out".

Speed of Light

Location and the speed of a quant phenomenon would only be "simultaneously" determinable, if the respective measurement was infinitely faster than the speed of dimensional interaction. This is impossible in principle because every measurement is a dimensional process. Infinities -no matter of what kind- are not possible in our cosm.

The highest possible speed in cosm is the given speed at which the single dimensions interact. It is at the same time the cause and consequence of its quantic character, it is not infinitely high. So the largest change of position that is possible in a unit of time, e.g. the one of a photon in space, is measured as the speed of light. It follows from that that no process can take place at infinite speed in our cosm.

The maximal speed that can be measured is the one of the interaction of dynamics, energy, space and time that is called the speed of light.

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Additional Consequences of the New Model of Thinking

At the early times of cosm, the dynamic growth of the dimensional processes was exponential. Nowadays, our four-dimensional cosm has expanded so much in space and time that the continuing interactions only seem spectacular to us only in the "magnifying glass of quants‘ mechanics", while we hardly notice the every-day dynamics of space and time.

Because our cosmic dimensionality generates a continuum of four components, of which one is dynamics, the principle of changeability, the following conquences for the usual physical world picture arise:

The measurable events in our cosm, material or immaterial, are the results of dynamic interactions of the four-dimensional continuum. They are not as such in some way put into this continuum and subjected to its geometry. They are, moreover, its dimensional elements that are continuously changed by positively polarized, dynamic interactions.

So a particle of materia is the product of dynamics‘ interaction with the dimension of energy, space and time. A particle without materia, like the photon, also is such a product that only results from a different interaction. Fusion, change or composition of mass particles, e.g. by collision processes result in other interactions of the four dimensions that have to be formulated differently.

Speeds, charges, fields, vectors, polarities are similarly products of dynamic interaction besides materia and radiation in the rationally and dynamically changing state of the four-dimensional continuum. They are to be called its "furnishing".

The events in cosm are thus relatively easy to understand according to the new model of thinking. But in the quasi infinite details, it is obviously harder to formulate than it has so far been possible for us. Mathematics and the other categories of understanding that we are accustomed to seem to help only little. We have to look for a mathematical theory that could formulate the variety of interactions the new model of thinking requires.

Before the Starting Point of Our Cosm: The "Nothing"

After a discussion of the respective roles of energy, dynamics and the axiom of the preservation of energy at the point of cosmic "zero", we will now show how these new ideas can help to understand the the qualities of the "nothing" and its capabilities to create a "something".

Following the theoretical idea that - looking back - the great unification to highest symmetry should take place towards the beginning of the cosm, this unification is not yet achieved in the postulated "Higgs field". This, whether more or less rich in energy, still shows a clear asymmetry of the four different dimensions.

The final unification, better the "dilution" of the dimensions can not be achived by a maximization of the energetic level, but only by its minimization. This contradicts with the notion of an energetically triggered "big bang".

This process, that is a process of dilution if looking back and a process of creation if looking forward, has to obey to a different dimensional mechanism.

Backwards, the cosm can be described as a dimensional process until the "Higgs Field" state. In principle, the "usual" modern theoretical physics are sufficient to reach that conclusion. They are not sufficient, though, to describe the so-called "big bang" and the state prior to that big bang, because their understanding is restricted by the axiom of the preservation of energy.

"Prior" to the big bang there must be the location of the highly symmetrical and therefore dimension-less universal basic state, the "nothing" whose qualities cannot be described with the use of dimensional tools.

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"Characteristics" of the Nothing Without Dimensions

From the universal basic state that for us is without dimension and cannot be described by measure, the pre-step of our dimensional cosm is created. When we call this universal basic state without dimensions the "nothing", because he cannot be measured dimensionally, he is nevertheless depictable though some single unusual qualities if we renounce any dimensional requirement.

When talking about "Nothing", the scientist automatically thinks of the vacuum. But the vacuum is still dimensional: First, because it is either measurable or the medium of measurable content - and if it is only its age -; second, because strictly speaking the scientist’s vacuum can in no way be called abstract. It is - in our cosm as well as in the laboratory - constantly in connection with dimensional phaenomena, be it e.g. the galaxies, their radiation or their fields.

On the other hand, the vacuum does have some qualities known to theoretical physics, too, that bring it close to the state of "nothing": For example, it is able to fluctuate.

In the vacuum there is a theoretically discovered mechanism by which a short term constitution of quantlike-fluctuative particels is possible. This mechanism is based on the inexactness of the quants‘ processes and the assumption of a hypothetical, isolated vacuum.

The foremost purely theoretically discovered capability of the isolated vacuum to create dimensional events by fluctuating, is a process in which the isolated vacuum, i.e. the vacuum that has been forced to be without dimension, realizes itself dimensionally through the creation of virtual particels. It attempts to gain at least virtual dimensionality according to its potential.

This process can be generalized as an in principle non-dimensional process by nature’s law.

It shows that - as applied to the virtual "nothing" - that a state that possesses virtual potential - here the potential of an empty "nothing" without dimension - to create a "something" in the form of virtual dimensions does in fact attempt to realize this potential. Dimensions are the form of "something" that are closest to "nothing".

The universal basic state that is located somewhere "before" the "Higgs field" and that is assumed to be highly symmetrical and without dimension must be trying to realizide an inherent potential for the creation of virtual dimensions. These are built reversibly and symmetrically by fluctuative processes. They perhaps allocate in virtual-dimensional complexes. The "life time" of these complexes may be determined by some form of virtual balance of dissociation.

The virtual dimension that result from fluctuations of the state of "nothing" do have qualities similar to those of quants. Therefore, the dimensions that take part in the later building of our cosm and their complexes are "quanted". That also means that neither the dimensional complexes nor their virtually dimensional components can take on indefinitely small or large figures !

In the further course of events the potential tendency of the "nothing" to dimensional fluctuation is inductively confirmed. From this observation, a rather unexpected quality of the scientifically discoverable, virtual state of "nothing" can be derived: The dimensionless "nothing" must be instable!

That could also be explained by the fact that we would have to request highest symmetry without any dimensional differences from an "absolute" universal basic state of a theoretical "nothing". That symmetry would consequently have to be without potentials, polarities, or other qualities of any kind. In that case, though, such an "absolute nothing" would not develop fluctuatively, it would not manifest itself in a cosm, either. But this is what obviously happened in our case.

The "absolute nothing" that would have to have the character of infinity does not occur, as no infinities - no matter of which kind or polarity - do occur in the universe that we rationally experience.

The four-dimensional continuing process of expansion of our cosm cannot be described as happening in an infinitive way, either because this process itself is constantly creating borderlines. its expansion always takes place alongside a cosmical cell, thus marking this borderline.

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The Path to the Big Bang

Our scientific idea of the universal basic state of the "nothing" can consequently not be one of a "nothing without any quality" because such a state would be irrelevant for our thinking and could not lead to our cosm.

Only a "nothing" that has - although being without dimension and thus virtual - the potential to create dimensions in a fluctuating way can be the scientifical depictable state of the "nothing" that might be the starting point of our cosm.

The tendency to instability that is inherent to that "nothing" thus corresponds with the stabilizing processes of fluctuation.

This tendency to stability may well be the most profound "cause" for the development of our cosm !

As to our own cosmic beginning, the "nothing" is only represented by the fluctuatively created dimensions of dynamics, space, time, energy, and by their "empty", i.e. their virtual complexes of interaction. These complexes themselves represent a virtual potential in the form of their possibilities to interact. That is why they are first of a virtual-dimensional, i.e. "empty" character only - only the reversible, virtual formation of complexes has taken place, but no interactive process of its components has occurred, yet.

The first interactive process of the four, at first only virtual, dimensions of this complex that is realized subsequently leads to the formation of the first (theoretically) measurable four-dimensional events and their real products. This means that now the energetic-dynamic-spatial-temporary development starts, that is driven by continuous, dimensional interaction.

This process would correspond to what the standard model describes as the "big bang" !

As a trigger for the development of our cosm from the instable "nothing" one has thus to see the potential of the at first only virtual quadruple complex of the dimensions to gain real dimensionality.

Physical theory determines the "life time" of fluctuative realizations in the hypothetic, isolated vacuum on the basis of the inexactness of quants. This only makes sense in fundamental theory. Such a "theoretic life time" would equal the speed of at least two dimensional interactions, namely the formation and the destruction:

In the sphere of the fluctuative formation of virtual elementary dimensions and their complexes it is however "too early" to make any statements on speed that differenciate from a dimensional point of view. These would require at least one completed interaction of the primary complex. It is not before then that the beginnings of the four-dimensional continuum develop and "speeds" become possible.

As to this first fluctuatively started interaction towards a dimensional formation of today’s cosm, no step back from the primary quadruple complex is possible because it is this first dimensional interaction of the virtual "empty" quadruple complex that leads from its virtuality into the real continuous dimensionality of the cosmic four-dimensional continuum.

Once fluctuatively started from the "nothing", the positive process of creation is irreversible !

Details in the "Process of Creation"

The postulated basic state of highest symmetry is a state "before" dimensionality. A potential of this universal basic state has to be its capability to fluctuatively form the dimensionality that reigns our cosm.

In that it resembles the state of physical vacuum. It equally fluctuates. It does so by -first virtually- forming dimensions of many kinds. This happens naturally "beyond" space and time.

In this process it is possible that virtual-dimensional products of fluctuaton whose character is not understandable to us are as well created as strange virtual dimensions of energy, dynamics, space, or time - e.g. some whose polariszation is not positive, but negative:

The highest state of symmetry at the beginning of cosm requires that all fluctuations of the universal basic state that happen must create both positively and negatively polarized species, i.e. in this case species of dimensions of the same kind. Thereby the neutral symmetry is preserved.

This postulation of symmetry is non-dimensional and therefore valid also in the "sphere of nothing" without dimension.

The single dimensions that are by fluctuation have the tendency to create complexes of interaction among themselves as it is shown in our four-dimensional continuum. They never manifest isolatedly.

As these complexes develop "before" any dimensionality known to us, they do not have any "life time" or "energy of formation". They are as inherent to the "nothing" as the virtually constituted individual dimensions. They permanently exist together with this state of "nothing" and form some kind of a continuum with it.

At the beginng of development of our world, we do not find a universal basic state in the form of a "nothing" without qualities, but a virtual-fluctuative, variously structured, highly symmetrical and multi-dimensional "universe of nothing" !

This again indicates that according to our scientific knowledge there can not be an absolute "nothing", i.e. a "nothing" that is absolutely without qualities or dimensionality.

How many and what kinds of these virtual-fluctuative complexes are able to built their own cosms, - embedded "next" to our cosm in the universal basic state of the "nothing" - man cannot know.

Thus it is possible that many cosms exist "simultaneously" ! One of those, namely the complex that was formed by "our" four dimensions, made "our process of creation" possible !

The process of the so-called "big bang" leads the four-dimensional complex out of the vitual "nothing": From virtuality into positively directional dimensionality.

If only one of the teaming four dimensions had been negatively polarized, resulting in negative time, energy, dynamics or negative space, already the first interactions would have led to the destruction of our cosmic embryo.

But for reasons of symmetry and because the postulation of neutrality can also be made for a fluctuating "nothing", one can assume that there has been a "simultaneous" process of creation equivalent to ours with a fourfold negatively polarized, dimensional complex of interaction !

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Our Cosm’s further destiny

The irreversibility of the process of creation that is shown in the new model of thinking leads to an ongoing spatial, temporal and energetic expansion of our four-dimensional continuum. One can assume that its energetic-material growth will - due to an "autokatalytic" effect - predominantly take place in the regions of the former galactic basic cells.

The interactive proceses in our continuum that lead to the formation of star material preferably happen in the area of existing galactic allocations because of gravity phenomena, while in "free space" we rather find transformation of formerly isolated particels into photones and other products without masses.

On the other hand, these regions are also the source of never ending secondary growth of radiation. It is partly "re-invested" there in the generation of new materia. Partly it is also dissipated into the eternally growing space of the continuum together with other "energetic-substantive" substrates. There, the dimensional interaction produces less star material but more photones and other immaterial products of radiation.

Thus, the old question does not arise, whether the universe will "freeze to death" or whether it will collaps again because of its mass balance. The question only becomes, if the balance of creation and radiazation of materia will in the long run lead to a growth or a decline in material furnishing of our cosm.

The balance of material development will in the long run probably decide only whether our cosmic continuum will be furnished with materia or with photones or neutrinos, etc., not whether it will be stable or reversible! Formation and decay of materia’s photonic elements will be one of the factors deciding the time of that process.

For philosophic reasons we can assume that the dimensional cosmic continuum will in the long run tend to homogenity and symmetry: This is also affirmed by the observation of the constant growth of entropy in our cosm. This tendence to symmetry is at the same time cause and consequence of the events in our four-dimensional continuum: The symmetric "imbalance" that has occurred in its early stages because of the galactic formation of cells for material inhomogenities will probably be levelled in the course of time.

This "imbalance" results from the evolution of various energetic-substantive substrates. Among these, materia, especially star material, disturbs its symmetry and homogenity, i.e. continuity, due to its fixation within the continuum.

Consequently, our cosm will in the far future have lost almost all its materia. At this point, our cosmic-dimensional continuum would only be represented in the form of energetic substrates of interaction without masses, probably photones.

So, the remaining question is less to the beginning than to the end: Will the absence of masses be the final state of our cosm ? This end would hardly be distinguishable from the fluctuating "Nothing" at the starting point. The tendency to eliminate former imbalances of masses transfers our cosm from a state of virtual "nothing" into a real state of "nothing". Finally, the philosophical perceptions of the "Panta Rei" became reality: Coming from the virtual "Nothing" we walk the path of material existence of our cosm into a dimensional "Nothing".

The Hierarchiy of Cosmic Events in the Beginning

So we can describe - beginning with the "nothing" - the hierarchy of the various inbetween states until the real evolution of our cosm: There are the periods until the development of the dimensional "Higgs field state" that happen before dynamics and energy, before time and space, i.e. before dimensionality and "big bang". At this point, conventional theory can step in, however with a few necessary corrections in relation to the meaning of energy and dynamics as dimensions, as well as the consequence resulting from this.

The source of our scientific picture of the evolution of cosm must thus not be looked for in energy and radiation, in minimal particles or "Higgs Fields" and powers. It lies in the fluctuating, highly symmetrical, virtual-dimensional continuum of the "nothing".

The basic elements of our cosm’s creation discoverable for us human beings would accordingly be the instability of the scientific "nothing" and the dimensionality that is fluctuatingly spreading from it.

The basic elements of the temporary existence of our material cosm would lie in the intermediary formation of star material and masses within its four-dimensional continuum.

The basic elements of the decay of our cosm perceivable for us would be found in its symmetric tendency to eliminate ancient imbalances of masses and thus to transfer from a state of virtual "Nothing" into a real state of "Nothing".

The "real Nothing" would host a real maximum of entropy, while the "virtual Nothing" of the beginning would represent a real minimum of it.

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Stage 1: The universal, highly symmetrical, dimensional continuum

1.1 "Before" everything we find the "absolute nothing" without qualities. its observation is irrelevant to us human beings because of its lack of characteristics.

1.2 The "Starting" point for our scientific possibilities of understanding is the highly symmetrical, hyper-virtual "nothing" without dimensions, which is in itself instable.

1.3 This "nothing" stabilizes itself fluctuatively through the creation of virtual, counter-polarized, i.e. on the whole symmetrically neutral, dimensions.

1.4 The single, virtually created dimensions unify in various virtual interactive complexes. Together with the fluctuatively formed individual dimensions and the universal, non-dimensional basic state they form some kind of universal, symmetric-dimensional state of a virtual continuum.

Stage 2: The energetic-dynamic-space-time continuum 2.1 Only the virtual state of one single type of complex, namely the one formed by the interaction of positively polarized dimensions of dynamics, energy, time and space, can realize itself through the beginning of interaction of the four contained dimensions in a stable, i.e. continuous way.

2.2 In the course of these events - the alleged big bang - the quadruple complex begins to tranfer from virtuality into real dimensionality. A four-dimensional continuum is created by continuous real interactions. This becomes really feelable and (theoretically) measurable for us.

2.3 Through the now exponentially growing interactive processes in this developing continuum our cosm starts evolving unstoppably and irreversibly.

Stage 3: Stages of evolution of the four-dimensional continuum 3.1 While the basic structure of the cosmic basic cell is slowly generated, extraordinary phenomena can temporarily occur. They might not be compatible with structures that appear regular to us in the later "dimensinally mature state",

3.2 After the four-dimensional continuum has "matured", the depicted process of "creation" turns into the "Higgs field state" postulated by physics.

3.3 The development of our cosm that is characterized by the expansion of the four-dimensional continuum now begins to follow more or less the scientifically discovered rules. In principle, it is well covered by physical theory that would only have to be reformulated as to the above mentioned differences of the new model of thinking from the standard model.

Stage 4: The final state of our cosmic continuum 4.1 Because of the positively polarized four-dimensional interactions in our continuum, the universe of our cosm is an open one.

4.2 It neither collapses not does it "classically freeze to death". It is neither limited nor infinite, but is in constant evolution.

4.3 The balance of the development of materia in the cosm will decide in the long run whether materia or phaenomena without masses will finally dominate !


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(c) Dr. v. Bonin, 2000. This material contains the author's ideas. Their use is not and cannot be prohibited. But please respect scientific rules of citation and the author's rights to this content when quoting.